The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press has released its Biennial News Consumption Survey. The survey shows that all old media news viewership and readership has been steadily loosing ground since 1993.
News Readership Trends: Newspaper, Radio, Cable TV, Nightly Network News, Morning Network News, Online/Internet News

Newspaper Readership Declines
Internet News Increases
Internet News Increases
This morning (Sept. 22, 2008) Internet entrepreneur Mark Cuban told newspaper executives to give up and declare bankruptcy. It's not that people won't continue reading newspapers, its that they won't continue reading them in the numbers they have. The handwriting is on the wall and newspapers need to start over again. Some, such as the Wall Street Journal, have made yeoman efforts to reinvent themselves on line. A few, with such herculean efforts, will probably survive. But for the most part, newspaper online sites are disappointing at best, hard to use, and merely repurpose their print editions with an online edition.
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